The Saucy Bird – Scopa

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I love a parm chicky, or, as the Italians call it, Pollo alla Australiana. I assume you do you. It’s pure human instinct to love fried chicken and cheese.

Now imagine that as a burger. Sauce, chicken, cheese, even pesto. The Saucy Bird’s got it all.

It’s a burger that plays off itself really well. The pesto brings those solid Italian herbs and nuttiness. The mozzarella sauce brings the richness. The pickled red onions add freshness and the stracciatella is so stretchy and cheesy, it puts Mr. Fantastic to shame. Finally the chicken is so well marinated with a crisp breading that completes the burger with a tender bite.

It’s a really tasty example of flavours done right, and will leave you mopping the sauce up with the fries.